‘Tis the season of thanks and giving, and on #GivingTuesday 2019, Established wants to give a shout out to the 1400 founders and executives that have committed to our partner Pledge 1% via our year-round Startup of the Year program and events.
“The Established team searches across all avenues and around the world for diverse, rising startups that are the best of the best to apply to be part of our Startup of the Year community and programs. As a part of our application process, young companies are invited to “Take the Pledge” and learn more about how to incorporate giving back from our long time partner Pledge 1%.” We find extreme value in keeping philanthropy at the forefront of our global startup community’s mind.” - Jen Consalvo, Co-CEO, Established.
For our friends that don’t know, Pledge 1% is a national nonprofit that inspires early-stage corporate philanthropy. We incorporate a set of introductory questions in our startup award application and event registration, encouraging all to make the choice and/or learn more on how to further their impact. Companies are able to choose a way to give back that is relative for the company’s set of values and mission, which is great as they continue to evolve and grow.
Established is grateful to be a Pledge 1% Builder member, and we will always encourage our startup community to embrace a vibrant crossroads of early-stage giving and continued innovation.

Visit startupofyear.com to listen to our Podcast, sign up for the Daily Dealflow™ newsletter, and stay in the loop for 2020 Startup of the Year application news.
Blog Post by Jessica Boone (VP, Events & Communications, Established)